Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Way to go, Mama Bears! 750 pounds of food!

Giant thanks to more than 100 Mama Bears (that includes you too, dads) who joined us Monday for our Civil Rights for All Playdate.  Together, we gathered about 750 pounds (yes!) for the Mama's Kitchen foodbank, feeding people with AIDS.  And we celebrated a momentous moment in our nation's history in style, thanks to the wonderful Steve of Hullabaloo (who you should visit at hullabalooband.com).

Now, if you're asking, who are these Mama Bears and what do they want?  Are you a San Diego mom who supports equal rights for all California families?  Do you want your kids to grow up in California where all people can love who they choose and all families are treated equally under the law?  If so, you're a Mama Bear too.  Subscribe to this blog, or send an email to mamabearalliance@gmail.com to join our mailing list, and we'll let you know about future activities.

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Celebrate the memory of Martin Luther King, Jr., and the inauguration of President Barack Obama at a "Civil Rights for All" Playdate benefitting Mama's Kitchen on Monday, January 19 at 4 p.m. at Princess Del Cerro Park.

World famous, San Diego beloved Steve from the Hullabaloo band (hullabalooband.com) will be there to play for us!

Bring two items of canned food, pasta, rice, or other non-perishables to donate to Mama's Kitchen (mamaskitchen.org).

All familes welcome--straight parents, gay parents, single parents.

Sponsored by the Mama Bear Alliance, a grassroots San Diego group civil rights for all families.